Find the Rhyme

Steve Jobs famously said,

"Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while."

But how do creative people actually find those connection points? Do they come in a dream? Do they appear out of thin air, like magic? 


It is not magic. It is a practice. 

Creative people find those connection points by LOOKING FOR THEM. 

At JWS Online, we practice a concept I call “Find the Rhyme”. We actively seek out the ways in which a concept or an idea connects to a different concept or idea. We ask questions about how one thing connects to another seemingly unconnectable thing. We look for the parallels. We connect the dots. We practice creativity. 

Creativity is not a magical gift you are born with. It is something anyone can learn. It is a skill everyone can develop. 

So, instead of waiting for your creative eureka moment, or deciding that you just aren’t a naturally creative person, or assuming that you have a creative block, what might it look like for you to actively find the rhyme in your own life and work? 




Confusion Is a Sign of Progress