Get Your Game Face On

The athlete looking to be recruited as a quarterback for a Big 10 school needs to leave his humility, doubt, personal baggage, etc. in the locker room. While he may be spending time and energy on improving his weaknesses during practice, when it is game time, he must put his game face on. Can you imagine hearing one of these talented athletes talking to a recruiter and saying something like this?

“I’m just feeling so stuck.”


“I can’t seem to get ahead.”

Hell no! Can you imagine this elite performer choosing to highlight his technical deficits?

“I am having trouble hitting the mark with this long throw.”


“My peripheral vision is weak. I’m working on it.”

Ummm…. NO! Instead, he puts his game face on, he charges out onto the field exuding confidence, he leans into his strengths, and he plays as if his life depends on it.

Once the recruiter is gone, he works with his coaches and continues to improve his technique, shift his mindset, and prepare himself to be the very best he can be.

Actors, take a cue from this athlete. There are recruiters in our industry too (although they go by a different title), and some of you are putting your work in front of them as if they are your teachers and coaches. They are not. So, when you step into those spaces, play like it is game day. Inviting the focus to be on your weak spots, revealing personal information, and identifying shortcomings is a HUGE MISTAKE. Put your game face on!

Many of you know that I believe there are better ways for your work to be seen than participating in pay-to-plays. That is a subject for a different post.

If you insist on going to pay-to-plays, be smart about it. Lead with confidence. Hide your weaknesses. Treat the event like a pivotal recruiting opportunity and bust out your fiercest moves.

If you are an elite performer, act like one.


Second Guessing Myself


Audition Logs