Goals and Fear

As a coach, I spend a lot of time helping clients to set meaningful goals. 

When we start digging into what they are hoping to accomplish and why, the fear voice inevitably starts to kick in. 

That fear voice sounds like this:

I am selfish. 

Who am I to want these things?

I don’t deserve what I want. 

I am a bad person for wanting something. 

I should just stop right now. 

Let’s call the whole thing off. 

A reminder here, friends, 

This is the FEAR VOICE talking. 

Once you name it as such, you can start talking back to it. 

“Thank you so much for your opinion, fear voice. As much as I appreciate you showing up today, I have to ask you to take a back seat while I teach you what I know to be true: I was put on this planet to contribute and to serve. If I hold myself back, what sort of a contribution am I making? If I keep myself stuck exactly where I am, how is that of service to anyone? Identifying what I seek to accomplish and then creating a strategy to accomplish it is, in fact, a generous act. Excuse me, fear voice, I have to go now. I have some goal setting to do.”


What Are You Waiting For?


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