Reach Out

If you are ready to move your career forward in a way that makes you feel proud…

If you are ready to grow your artistic community…

If you are ready to do the emotional labor required to show up with integrity…

If you are ready to take a leap of faith…

If you are ready to risk…

If you are ready to show up in service of others…

If you are ready claim agency over your own career….

If you are ready to call out great work when you see it…

If you are ready to offer your gifts to people who might need them…

If you are ready to stop waiting and start doing…

If you are ready to aim higher…

If you are ready for the next big step…

If you are ready to accept that things will stay exactly the way they are unless you make a change in your behaviors…

Then it is time to REACH OUT.

Reach out to the people who are doing work that matters.

If you are ready to do great work, at great places, with great people, reach out.

If you have no idea where to start, grab a copy of Molly Beck’s book aptly titled… Reach Out.

There are a lot of great pearls of wisdom in this book.

The gist is this: If the people in the center of your network could help you, they would have helped you by now.

The power of change lies on the edges of your network. The possibilities exist in the connections that have yet to be fully explored, in the relationships that have yet to be founded, in the stories that have yet to be shared. If you reach out in integrity with yourself, in a way that is generous and generative, you will find the people you are looking for: the people who are doing work that matters.

Pluck up your courage. And reach out.


Curve Balls


When Will I Get What I Want?