Break the Rules

Many of you, my dear readers, are following “the rules” of auditioning. So I ask you:

Who wrote the rules?”


Right. You don’t know. And neither do I.

So, why are you following them?  

As you move through the remainder of audition season, I challenge you to name all of the “rules” you have agreed to heedlessly follow. Then ask yourself “do I believe in this rule?”

If the answer is yes, by all means continue to follow it. For example, “If there a kiss in the scene, don’t kiss the reader.” Yeah, that one seems pretty logical and therefore worth following. 

If the answer is “no”, then break it. For example, “Never speak unless spoken to.” That seems to defy everything I know to be true about the art and science of human interaction, so I’ll be breaking that one, thank you very much. 

Some rules are simply made to be broken.

Have a great audition season!


Now Is the Time for Affirmations

