
Is this glass half empty or half full?
You choose.
Mindset is a choice.

In her seminal book appropriately titled “Mindset”, Carol S. Dweck defines mindset as:

“The view you adopt for yourself.”

If your view, your internal narrative, your self-talk isn’t working for you, choose something else. Adopt a different view.

You can move from pessimist to optimist.

You can move from boss to leader.

You can move from taker to giver.

You can move from limited to limitless.

You can move from bound to free.

You can move from nervous to excited.

You can move from fear to faith.

You can move from stuck to growing.

You can move from I can’t to I can.

You can move from half empty to half full.

These are the choices you have the agency to make for yourself.

The view you adopt is a choice.

Your mindset is a choice.

And if your current mindset is holding you back, you can choose to adopt a mindset that will set you free.


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