Risk Stacking

“Take the risk!”

I’m sure you’ve heard this one before. I know I have.

And I also know that I have said this to more people than I can count.

Sometimes the person knows that they want to take the risk, that they are ready to take the risk, and yet they don’t.


Well, there are so many possible answers for this, but I’d like to focus on this one:

Taking a single risk makes that risk feel like a big deal. Like, a really big deal. Like, huge.

This is why I have recently become obsessed with the idea of RISK STACKING: taking multiple risks all at the same time.

When you stack your risks, that one risk that seemed so gigantic may suddenly seem like not that big a deal. Or perhaps that thing that was so scary now seems quite easy because a different risk in the stack is actually the scary one.

As you think about leveling up in 2020, play with the idea of risk stacking. You may find that you are much braver than you thought.

“Take the risks! The whole stack of them!”

To hear more about risk stacking, check out this episode of The Long and the Short of It.


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