Now Is the Time

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” 
— Chinese proverb

In a week, we will be living in a new decade.

What a perfect time to start something new. 

There is something that you are ready for. Something you know you want to try. Something you are ready to risk.

You could spend your energy on explaining all of the reasons why you haven’t done it yet. You could create excuses for why it’s hard, why you don’t know if it will work, why it makes more sense to play it safe. 

But, my friend, that is old news. That is so 2019. 

If you want it, life is offering you a fresh start. A new year. A new decade. A chance to begin something.

And you DO want it. So grab it.

Find your courage. 

No more waiting. No more lamenting “if only.” No more excuses. 

You are ready.

It is time. 



Setting a Theme for 2020


Risk Stacking