Musical Scene Study


Welcome to Musical Scene Study

Musical Scene Study is an advanced workshop designed for seasoned actors who are looking to refine their technique, push their boundaries, and take their craft to the next level. In this class, you'll work with a partner to tackle challenging material from the musical theatre canon, focusing on both your scene work and your song delivery.

The first week of the session will borrow from our flagship class, Studio Workshop's "play day". You'll work solo, singing material from your existing repertoire, pushing your own boundaries and exploring the edges of your potential.

For weeks 2, 3, and 4 you'll pair up with another artist and work on a scenes/song in long-form work sessions. Then we will swap partners for weeks 5 and 6 and work on a second scene/song. This class combines the best of Scene Study, Duets, and Studio Workshop, with a focus on growth and creativity. Expect to soar to new artistic heights!

Work sessions are about 30 minutes each.

JWS provides rehearsal space (based on availability) at no additional charge for artists enrolled in Scene Into Song.

Class size is limited to 10 artists.

This class is not currently offered.

If you want to be the first to now when it is back on the schedule, join our mailing list.


Callback Workshop - Only available for alums in March


Monologue Workshop - Not offered this month