Setting a Theme for 2020
I am typically not a New Years resolution kind of person.
But this year, I have decided to experiment. I have chosen a theme for the next 12 months and articulated it as an action statement:
Leak the content.
Recently I have recognized that I could be reaching a much larger group of people with the content we are engaging with at the studio. I have been so intensely focused on keeping JWS a truly safe space, that I have built very high and protective walls around my studio community. On the one hand, it is a huge benefit for the people in our community. They have a space where they can be fully expressed and fully supported. But on the other hand, for the people on the outside, for the people who have been sitting patiently on our waitlist to get into a class, for the people who are hungry for a new perspective, I’ve been keeping them shut out and in the dark.
Something had to change.
So I dug deep and thought a lot about how I could maintain the safe space for my current community while still connecting with and sharing content with the people outside the studio. “Leak the content” was the mantra that came to mind. And I like it.
This is my commitment for 2020. To share more freely the ideas and concepts that we are working with inside the studio so that other people outside the studio can benefit from them.
The other day, I had planned to do a quick Facebook Live in my studio’s “secret” Facebook forum. My intention to was to share some information about upcoming events so our community could stay informed. But instead of posting inside the secret forum, I accidentally posted to my personal Facebook timeline. Oops! On any other day, I would have immediately deleted it. But I had just recorded an episode of The Long and the Short of It with Peter all about my commitment to “leak the content” in 2020. So, staying true to myself and my theme for the year, I left it up.
So far the experiment is working. Having a theme for the year that is articulated as an action statement has already helped me stay in integrity with my intentions.
I encourage you to experiment too. What will your theme for 2020 be?