Should I Make That Video Public?

Should I make that video public?

Good question.

And I will answer your question… with another question.

If Stephen Sondheim found your website and watched that video, would you feel proud?

(You can swap out Sondheim with whomever you most admire and respect in our industry.)

If your answer is yes, then go for it! Make the video public.

If your answer is no, then, well… no.

There are plenty of videos that deserve to be seen in a very specific context by a very specific group of people. But that does not mean that those videos should be made public so that anyone, whether or not they understand the context, can view them.

You deserve to protect your artistic integrity.

Before you hit “public”, ask yourself how you’d feel if Sondheim saw it, and act accordingly.


Clear Is Kind; "How Open Would You Be...?" Is Unkind


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